• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

ible to see the figure clearly.

Seeing this scene, the crab monsters who were driven far away by the turbulent sea water couldn’t help but swallow a mouthful of sea water. Isn’t this too powerful, Your…

lled by dragon knights, and many were even killed by themselves.

The Protoss side’s losses were much lower than those of the Digghogs. More than ninety Zealots were killed and six Dragon Knights were killed! But if you look at the…


Seeing that they could not catch up with Tian Yuwen, the scarab descendants stopped, and the bright blood people who followed behind were thrown further away. The speed of those…

ply of troops is guaranteed, the rest is a trivial matter.

When Chief Zhuge arrived, he met Zhao Yun first, and then greeted Wei Xiaobei. When Zhao Yun explained Wei Xiaobei’s method, Chief Zhuge couldn’t help but laugh: “This is really…

ter Lan made all the dishes, so I cooked the rice.”

Zhang Tiantian didn’t take the credit, her cheeks turned red and she explained. Originally, this Tiantian looked like a pretty girl at home, so it would be great if she…

people ignored him at all and simply carried him on their shoulders and followed Wei Xiaobei.

This was naturally Wei Xiaobei’s order. This guide is said to be an intelligence officer of Neros Country. But you must not expect this intelligence officer to have strong physical…

is stomach, turn into a pale golden airflow, and finally trigger changes in his Dantian.

Opening his eyes, Wei Xiaobei found that he had entered the body of the faceless villain, and he was currently inside the liquid ball. Outside, the excited roars of Ba…

i’s father, Wei’s mother, Zhang Desheng and the others feel very good.

Tian Yuwen led people to build a wooden house before, and he happened to move in at this time. Of course, this was a bit crude. When Wei Xiaobei was…

ther, let’s find a way to collect some Yinming ghost treasure materials, and at least upgrade it to the rank of Xuanzhen Baojian. Maybe this jade snake can have better effects, otherwise it will only be like this once. It’s a bit laborious to teach the method all over.”

Therefore, Chu Weiyang had no choice but to respond to Zhong Chaoyuan, while turning over his hands and taking out a jade box. He took out a portion of the…

sts in the legend, they were just stronger than normal men.

After losing the protection of those powerful ghosts, these ghosts are also targets of being slaughtered once they encounter armed humans. Therefore, these weak ghosts had to migrate towards nearby…