• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

hiping and Li Hu didn’t expect that Wang Bo would sell one million yuan and give them such a generous reward, 50,000 yuan! None of them spent so much money on four years of college and two or three years of postgraduate studies. Moreover, if you don’t need money, you can also own 20% of the company’s shares, worth 200,000!


Mar 29, 2024

hiping and Li Hu didn’t expect that Wang Bo would sell one million yuan and give them such a generous reward, 50,000 yuan! None of them spent so much money on four years of college and two or three years of postgraduate studies. Moreover, if you don’t need money, you can also own 20% of the company’s shares, worth 200,000!
“Mr. Wang, this matter is really big. Huzi and I still need to think about it.” I have always been awesome in the computer department of Chongyou. I am praised by my instructors and admired and respected by my junior students. , Chen Zhiping, a technical master who is also participating in the mentorship program, blushed and stammered. When he first saw Wang Bo, he felt that he was just a freshman, with a nose and two eyes. There seemed to be nothing unusual about him, and he didn’t feel like he had any star quality. It wasn’t until the other party opened his mouth that it was one million, both money and shares, that he was calmed down. The title of Wang Bo also subconsciously changed from “Mr. Wang” to “Mr. Wang”.
“Haha, that’s natural. If you agree without even thinking about it, I’m going to complain. Today is Friday, so the day after tomorrow and the weekend, you two can give me a reply, okay?” Wang Bo said with a smile.
/“Okay, okay.” The two nodded hurriedly, looking at each other with excitement and ecstasy that could not be concealed.
That’s all for the business. Wang Bo couldn’t say more about the blog network without the two’s consent to join the business, lest the two steal his idea and start a new business behind his back. For many things on the Internet, the underlying technology is actually not complicated. It is mainly a matter of creativity and ideas. Ma Teng, an undergraduate student in the Computer Science Department of Shenzhen University, created the “PainXun Empire” that later unified instant messaging. To say that he and his classmates were better at computer science than the top students in the Computer Science Department at Peking University and Tsinghua University. Gao, the top students in the Computer Science Department of Beiqing will definitely not recognize it. But people are creative and take one step first, and then they lead one step ahead, step by step. No matter how skilled and awesome the people behind them are, even PhD students who graduated from the Computer Science Department of Massachusetts or Stanford can only go to Tong Xun sold his brainpower to Ma Teng as a wage earner.
Next, Wang Bo began to show his hospitable and good dancing side. Cross-Strait Coffee specializes in Western food, and it was considered a relatively avant-garde and fashionable place during Shuangqing in 2002. When he saw that it was almost time for lunch, he called the waiter with a snap of his fingers, opened a bottle of red wine, steak, foie gras, pasta, soup, toast and cheese and other Western food that foreigners served when he visited customers abroad in his previous life. Plate after plate was served. While enthusiastically urging them to eat and drink, Wang Bo quietly

By sangna