• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

son than that this guy was honest and obedient enough. He didn’t have any rhetoric or fancy thoughts. He was a bit like her father in some points. Of course, I wasn’t talking about her. Electra, just being with Gou Yongye, a taciturn and extremely obedient guy, gave her an inexplicable sense of security.


Mar 28, 2024

son than that this guy was honest and obedient enough. He didn’t have any rhetoric or fancy thoughts. He was a bit like her father in some points. Of course, I wasn’t talking about her. Electra, just being with Gou Yongye, a taciturn and extremely obedient guy, gave her an inexplicable sense of security.
For example, once the two of them visited the “Shangxiajiu” in Yangcheng, eating, drinking and playing. They were so excited that they forgot the time. When they took a taxi back to the school dormitory, it was already past eleven o’clock and the dormitory doors of both of them were closed. .
“Yong Ye, what should we do tonight? I don’t have my ID card with me. I think the two of us will have to hide in the bridge like beggars.” Ning Qian looked at her boyfriend pitifully.
Gou Yongye didn’t even think about it. He patted his chest and said, “Look at me.” Then he walked straight to the iron door of the dormitory, banging, banging, banging, and yelling. It took him a quarter of an hour to finally get rid of his uneasiness and complaints. The dormitory aunt who was full of food and guarding the door shouted.
That night, Ning Qian had already prepared to count the stars and the moon with her boyfriend, using the sky as a quilt and the ground as a seat.
For another example, during the summer vacation of their junior year, the two of them made an appointment to go hiking together in “Huo Luo Mountain”. They stayed in a tent at night, and the two of them hid in the small tent and played cards with lights on. She smiled and suggested that if anyone loses, they can draw a turtle on any part of the other person’s body. Her boyfriend agreed, and he was extremely excited and said that tonight he would let her see the power of the God of Gamblers.
So, that night, Gou Yongye proudly drew a total of more than fifty little turtles on her two arms with a ballpoint pen, and he proudly asked her if she accepted.
Looking at the two little turtles with white skin on their arms that were painted all over by her boyfriend, Ning Qian was about to cry without tears. She asked Gou Yongye mockingly if he had ever kissed a girl in his life?
Gou Yongye, who had no experience in communication, immediately became furious and felt that he had been humiliated. He then spent the whole night gambling with Ning Qian, “sit in a well and look at the sky” outside the tent, and counted the stars all night.
Also, on the Youth Day of their senior year, the two of them made an appointment to go to a movie theater in the city center to watch a movie. Before ending the call, she held back her heartbeat, which was almost beating out of her voice, and whispered, “Yongye, please bring your ID card.”
“ID card? Qianqian, what ID card do you need to watch a movie?” ? Are you mistaken?” Gou Yongye said confused on the phone.
“Oh, I remembered wrongly. Then bring more money. I won’t bring a penny tonight!” Ning Qian said angrily, feeling ashamed and angry.
“Hey, do you need to say that? I’m a man! What money do you bring!”
/“Hahahahaha” Wang Bo

By sangna