• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

the evening, Fan Changping also came back. When he saw them, his face was somewhat unnatural. He originally proposed to serve wine and beg, but after being rejected by the other three, he left the dormitory.


Feb 18, 2024

the evening, Fan Changping also came back. When he saw them, his face was somewhat unnatural. He originally proposed to serve wine and beg, but after being rejected by the other three, he left the dormitory.
/He never dreamed that a mere three outsiders would beat up a large group of upperside students until they were running away. Some people even ran away in a panic and broke their leg bones.
After winning the fight, they paid it off, and then they broke off the troublemaker’s limbs. This kind of ferocity was really rare among lay students.
In particular, Dang Yuqi is really not a good person, and he is powerful in the monastery. How can he quit after suffering such a big loss?
However, under such circumstances, Li Yongsheng and Hu Lianwang stayed in the duty room for a whole night and came back safe and sound – according to the disciplinary committee member, they were fine.
Fan Changping had to admit that he had made a mistake, but he couldn’t help but apologize to his three classmates. If he was wrong, then he was wrong. What’s the big deal?
Of course, he would also find something else to say, “Our door needs to be repaired.”
When Dang Yuqi and others came here for the first time, they kicked the door into pieces. It has not been repaired yet, but only half of it has been replaced. The door panel and door frame are a little loose, but it’s not a big deal. The dormitory doors in the monastery are always designed to guard against gentlemen but not villains.
Hu Lianwang immediately agreed. This incident originally started because of him. The second and fourth sons were so generous, so he had to repay, “I’ll go to the construction room to get a big wooden board.” ”
I’ll go with you,” Fan Changping said He took the initiative to apply, “I am a local, it is easy to communicate with them, and even if I buy, it can be cheaper.”
In any case, subjectively, he is still willing to integrate into this group.
“Is this the feeling of guilt for missing group activities?” Li Yongsheng said with a smile.
Let me go, why don’t you target me like this? When Fan Changping heard this, his guilt immediately disappeared. He glared at Li Yongsheng fiercely, “You call this a group activity?”
Li Yongsheng laughed and said casually, “Of course, a simple activity. ”
While Fan Changping was about to speak, Xiao Xianhou spoke up – they are all in the same dormitory, why are they so awkward?
“I say Fourth Brother, do you want to drag Dang Yuqi and the others to repair the door?”
“No need?” Hu Lianwang was shocked when he heard this, “Let go where you have to, and be merciful when you have to, they Treating injuries is already very expensive. If we look for trouble and cause conflicts again, we may not be able to take advantage.”
“I don’t care,” Li Yongsheng replied nonchalantly, “It’s easy to fix it yourself, but Xiao Xianrou, why don’t you Satisfied, I will accompany you to warn them for not repairing the door honestly. I will beat them every time I
/see them!” “I’ll beat them every time I see them. It’s embar

By sangna