• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

is is the charm of Harry Potter!


Jan 16, 2024

To know.
Even Lin Yuan’s inventory of such a world-class work is quite limited.
Facing the Central Continent market, how could Lin Yuan easily open up the situation if he didn’t come up with such a king bomb?
The Zhongzhou Market opened its door, like a beautifully dressed girl, waiting for Chu Kuang to enter at any time.
Lin Yuan’s explosive skills are resounding all over the world!
Being able to enter the Central Continent market so smoothly has something to do with Blue Star’s ranking of writers.
/Chu Kuang’s ranking on the list can help people in Central China eliminate their doubts about him as a writer from other continents, so they can go into bookstores and pay for purchases with confidence.
Strike while the iron is hot!
Lin Yuan has already started writing “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets”.
The word count is not much different from “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone”, and there is no problem with the quality, which can help Chu Kuang stabilize the market.
In the next few days, “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” will continue to be popular!
/every day.
Relevant news can be seen on every continent.
Media outlets from all over the world have reported on it!
“Chu Kuang’s new book enters the Central Continent market!” 》
The Harry Potter series is not only children’s literature, but also a magical epic! 》
“Zhongzhou Netizen: No wonder Chu Kuang’s world ranking is so high! 》
“Suitable for both refined and popular audiences of all ages, this is Harry Potter!” 》
“Blue Star Magical Milestone!” 》
“Because of Harry Potter, the owl in the bird zoo is getting a warm welcome!” 》
“The Harry Potter Phenomenon: In a supermarket, broom sales are booming! 》
“Harry Potter has become a favorite book for teenagers!” 》
It’s all true.
Harry Potter wrote about broomsticks and owls, which actually affected reality.
Because it was already stated during the promotion of “Harry Potter” that this film is a long series.
The so-called “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” is just the beginning.
It is different from the fairy tale children’s literature before Chu Kuang.
Chu Kuang’s Fairy Tale Town series is mostly enjoyed by children.
The Harry Potter series is not just watched by children, but also by a large number of adults.
The main group of readers is still mainly people under the age of 18.
This is also the real reason why the Harry Potter series is ultimately defined as children’s literature.
The end of the month is approaching.
Open your email and upload it.
Lin Yuan couldn’t help but think:
“I wonder if Chu Kuang’s ranking can be improved?”
The end of the month is approaching.
The Blue Star Writers Power List will be updated soon.
Although Lin Yuan has enough confidence in “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”, he is really unsure about the rankings.
It’s not that the Harry Potter series isn’t great.
Mainly because the release time of this film was too short

By sangna