• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

on team and another investigation organization where my mother worked, I heard that Zeng Yipu Pu’s tone, this investigation organization that has not yet appeared secretly seems to be even more powerful, far beyond the capabilities of the current special investigation team. So is this another hidden military organization?


Dec 22, 2023

on team and another investigation organization where my mother worked, I heard that Zeng Yipu Pu’s tone, this investigation organization that has not yet appeared secretly seems to be even more powerful, far beyond the capabilities of the current special investigation team. So is this another hidden military organization?
After thinking about this, the question of who am I became more and more intense in my heart, and finally gradually occupied all my thoughts, because the three forces I can see currently seem to have my participation, as if I are a thread connecting the three. The power has spread, but the funny thing is that I don’t even know who I am, let alone what role I will play in this matter.
I then asked Shi Yanqiang: “What do you think about Su Jingnan?”
When I asked this question, I found that Shi Yanqiang seemed confused, and he seemed not to understand my question at all: “What do you think about it?” ?”
I felt a little strange. This seemed to be a very normal question, and there was nothing weird about it. Why was Shi Yanqiang’s expression strange? So I asked again with this question: “For Su Jingnan, What do you think, him and me?”
Shi Yanqiang said: “Both you and him are a mystery, a mystery that no one can understand at all.”
I seemed to hear what Shi Yanqiang meant, so I asked him : “In other words, in your opinion, Su Jingnan is also a mystery, and you don’t know the slightest bit about his origins?”
Shi Yanqiang nodded, and he said: “The clues we can find about him are probably fewer than yours, at least. You also have a clue about Qingxia that can be traced back to her birth, but there is no record of Su Jingnan at all. This person seems to have appeared out of thin air. More importantly, all the clues and records about Su Jingnan are from other sources. Alone, you also know that the real Su Jingnan is him, but in order to hide his identity and information, there is also a ‘Su Jingnan’ who died innocently. This scapegoat can be said to have replaced all the clues that could lead to Su Jingnan.”
/This. I found the deceased in Wang Cheng’s home, which caused me a lot of doubts at the time, and the identity and death of this person became a very thorny issue for a time. Only now do I really understand why he was killed, because If he hadn’t died, perhaps there would have been a hole in Su Jingnan’s true identity, and only after he died would this hole be sealed.
But when I thought about this, I thought of another question, because if I remember correctly, the person who guided me to Wang Cheng’s residence and encountered the death of the substitute Su Jingnan was guided by Sun Huling’s phone call. .
So I immediately connected this man’s death with Sun Huling, Su Jingnan, Sun Huling, Qian Yelong, the minister, and another line; Wang Longchuan, Tian Zhongjie, the prison guard who was killed by Wang Longchuan in prison, and more importantly, he He also destroyed the mark on the prison guard’s chest, obviously not wanting people to know Tian Zhongjie’s true identity. We speculated a

By sangna