• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Since childhood, the Abe family will select talented miko seedlings. At the same time, they will also select a few people who are about the same age as the miko. These people have grown up with witches and treat them as the apple of their eyes. If the witch is harmed in any way, they will be severely punished by the family.”


May 16, 2024

Since childhood, the Abe family will select talented miko seedlings. At the same time, they will also select a few people who are about the same age as the miko. These people have grown up with witches and treat them as the apple of their eyes. If the witch is harmed in any way, they will be severely punished by the family.”
“Haha” I sneered and said, “But that one. The witch does have strong spiritual power, I can feel it.”
“Brother Shan, come in. I heard that we will have a meeting soon to talk about entering Gao Tianyuan.”
The two of us shared a room as a place to stay . , will rest here for a night, and then start approaching the God Realm barrier of Takamagahara the next day. It is said that it takes a day to walk like this, and the worship ceremony begins after entering the divine world.
Not long after I put down my backpack, someone from the Abe family came to inform me of the location of the meeting. When I rushed over with the former Riyuro, I saw the miko, her two followers, and Abe Degawa sitting in the room.
“You’re here, please take a seat.”
/There is a reason why Abe Degawa was so polite to me. According to outside rumors, although the old head of the Abe family has been asking Abe Degawa to help handle many affairs inside and outside the family, in fact he has not It is his intention to let Abe Dechuan inherit the family. In other words, he treated his youngest son as a coolie. In this day and age, who doesn’t want to stand out? The same is naturally true for Abe Degawa, but when there was not much help for him within the family, he began to turn his attention outside the family. Start making friends with rich and powerful people from all walks of life. Before I came to Japan, he had visited Junyi many times, hoping to connect with Junyi. Now that I have come to Japan, he actually wanted to get to know me early on. After all, I am very famous in the country and I have a very close relationship with the military. But because a lot of things happened after I came to Japan, I never had this opportunity. However, after the black parrot incident passed, he clearly expressed his intention to make friends with me when he came to visit me. I’ve been in the industry for so long. How could you not see that he was thinking about it, but he didn’t show it, he just acted like he was friendly to him. Maybe there will be time to use him in the future.
When I entered the room, the two witch attendants were obviously educated, and they lowered their heads and did not dare to look at me. The miko is still veiled, her feet are not touching the ground directly, and a white cloth is spread under her chair.
/Abe Degawa then told us the general process and time control. In fact, the main purpose of holding this meeting was to remind us not to disrupt their plans casually. And Abe Degawa has emphasized many times that Takamagahara is Japan’s divine realm. Although we have some strength, it is best not to make excessive moves in Takamagahara. There are many places in Takamagahara that the Abe family has not exp

By sangna