• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

thoughts can you ensure that you live long enough. I also wanted to be a good agent in the past. But what happened? People younger than me have been promoted, but I am still Why should I be treated unfairly as a small frontline agent who risks my life every day? Why can’t I live for myself? Mr. Ba, you should understand me, I am just a human being. When I understood that the end of this world really existed, that there really were angels and demons, and that the Day of Judgment would really come, I knew that I had to do something for myself. I wanted to make myself go to heaven, and I didn’t want to be in hell. I will suffer forever. I know that everyone will die, but I don’t want to suffer endless torture after death.”


May 16, 2024

thoughts can you ensure that you live long enough. I also wanted to be a good agent in the past. But what happened? People younger than me have been promoted, but I am still Why should I be treated unfairly as a small frontline agent who risks my life every day? Why can’t I live for myself? Mr. Ba, you should understand me, I am just a human being. When I understood that the end of this world really existed, that there really were angels and demons, and that the Day of Judgment would really come, I knew that I had to do something for myself. I wanted to make myself go to heaven, and I didn’t want to be in hell. I will suffer forever. I know that everyone will die, but I don’t want to suffer endless torture after death.”
“My child, you will be rewarded for helping me.” Yot gently held his hand. Placed on Kenna’s shoulders, Kenna immediately fell to his knees, his face full of sadness and piety.
“I hope to enter heaven. I don’t want to be tortured again after death.” Kenner told softly but eagerly. He looked like a beggar on the roadside at this time. Even in my opinion, he is putting down his dignity in order to survive, and he is worse than a beggar. At least the latter didn’t think about harming others.
“Ba Xiaoshan, have you seen it? This is the human heart. A world like this has long been corrupted. Even if I don’t do it, it should still be judged. So, why am I guilty of destroying such a world?
/” between. He raised his hand, and a bolt of lightning shot through the sky and hit Kenna who was kneeling on the ground. A living person was killed by lightning in the blink of an eye, and his charred body fell to the ground, but there was no trace of movement on Yot’s face.
I don’t sympathize with Kenner. In a sense, I am also a selfish person. I will try my best to help people who I like or who are kind to me. And for those people I dislike or who have harmed me, I can’t wait to kill them myself. But this does not mean that I will side with Yot. On the contrary, he and I are two different types of people.
I don’t interfere in other people’s lives and decisions. Whether you are right or I am wrong, I know there is never absolute right or wrong in this world. Even if you can be quick to talk for a while, you can never change a person. idea. Since I can’t change other people’s minds, why bother arguing with others? I don’t do thankless things. It doesn’t matter whether the world is corrupt or people’s hearts are corrupt. I live my life well and just want to have a clear conscience.
But Yot is not, he is doing it for himself. On the surface, they are boasting about how great they are, but in fact they are doing it for themselves. He is a hypocrite, and I am a real villain. Although no one is better than the other, at least I never take the initiative to harm others.
“I’m sorry, you and I are not the same kind of people.” At this time, I had used the energy in my body to fight back the burning flames, and the fire from the sky was extinguishing.
“You still can’t understand me? I hope you can become a d

By sangna