• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

is moment, Yin Kuang hopes that the ten Zhu Tong people will suddenly rise up against him. In this way, Yin Kuang can take down the entire Class 1236 without any effort!


Apr 28, 2024

is moment, Yin Kuang hopes that the ten Zhu Tong people will suddenly rise up against him. In this way, Yin Kuang can take down the entire Class 1236 without any effort!
Yin Kuang looked at Zhu Tong and said to himself, “What a pity.” Zhu Tong also happened to look at Yin Kuang and saw her quietly raising her middle finger towards Yin Kuang.
And just as everyone on the merchant ship was preparing to meet the enemy, the two Soochow ships behind them were getting closer and closer. When he was almost ten meters away, Yin Kuang suddenly shouted: “Attack!” After saying that, he threw out two ordinary Tang knives with both hands. The two Tang knives turned into two silver threads, and then penetrated the chests of the two soldiers.
/As Yin Kuang shouted, the other people who reacted quickly came up with their own remote attack methods.
Tang Rouyu directly borrowed the force of the northwest wind and threw flying knives one after another. Clusters of flying knives landed on the ship behind. In an instant, eight or nine Soochow soldiers were hit by flying knives. Hitting the vital point, one by one fell into the Yangtze River like dumplings. On the other hand, Zhuge Lian of Class 1236, who had a close relationship with Yin Kuang, took out a crossbow and fired out arrows one after another. Each crossbow arrow could take away the life of a Soochow soldier. Then, one of the boys held a slingshot and shot silver projectiles. The power of these silver projectiles was comparable to bullets, and they also caused considerable casualties and trouble to the soldiers of Soochow.
Then another girl put her hands deep into the pockets on her waist, and when she stretched them out, she held three yellow balls between her fingers. After the six balls were thrown, they each landed on the decks of the two ships behind them. Immediately, there was a soft “bang bang bang” sound, and three thick yellow mists were seen filling the ship. You can hear the coughing coming from far away.
Then the other men and women also used their own methods. Or shoot with firearms, or throw concealed weapons, etc. Perhaps because the principal has restricted certain abilities, the style of long-range attacks is relatively simple.
After all, the pursuers led by Pan Zhang were elite soldiers who had been tested for many years in war. After the initial contact failed, react quickly. First, there was a group of soldiers holding shields standing on the bow of the ship, using those tall square shields to block most of the attacks. Then, the two warships accelerated rapidly, showing the character “eight” at the same time, and separated to both sides. In this way, the firepower on the merchant ship was greatly dispersed. Then, just as the three ships were side by side, they gradually moved closer to the middle, and suddenly the merchant ship was sandwiched in the middle.
As for why the other party didn’t shoot arrows, the reason is simple: they were afraid of hurting Xiao Qiao on the boat!
/And this is why Yin Kuang and others dared to stand on the side o

By sangna