• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

l is much higher than Nowitzki, Kobe Bryant and James.


Apr 11, 2024

l is much higher than Nowitzki, Kobe Bryant and James.
Going back to the Warriors, in addition to Sun Hao and Durant, Oden, Landry and Ibaka are all going to participate in the rookie game this year.
A group of four people took Sun Hao’s chartered flight to Phoenix together.
After getting off the plane, Sun Hao took them directly to a local nightclub.
O’Neal had a private room there, and he and Nash were taking care of him.
The stories are sometimes interesting. Nash and O’Neal were both Sun Hao’s former partners, and now they have become teammates.
After drinking and arguing, O’Neal also told Sun Hao about his All-Star plan, and then he wanted Sun Hao to participate in it.
Sun Hao was very interested after listening to it, and it must be a very interesting thing.
In addition to O’Neal, Nash also recalled the past days in Dallas with Sun Hao for a long time.
Sun Hao’s emotions were completely understandable.
/The Suns may not even make it to the playoffs this season, and he is already 35 years old.
And because he just renewed his contract last year, his contract with the Suns will not end until the summer of 2012.
Some people may say that’s why the Suns renewed their contract.
Because no one knows that the Suns will play like this this season!
You must know that after trading O’Neal at the beginning of the season, Nash was preparing to attack the championship with the “Sharks”.
But now, I can only describe it as depressed and frustrated.
People, when they are frustrated, they will recall the past.
Sun Hao looked at Nash and didn’t have much choice.
After all, the Warriors now have Livingston, so it’s impossible for the Warriors to trade Nash as a substitute?
Because of Sun Hao’s comeback, this year’s All-Star Game once again attracted much attention.
According to ESPN statistics, the ratings of the Rookie Game have been close to last year’s All-Star Game.
The influence brought by Sun Hao can be seen how terrifying it is. The “contemporary Jordan” has not escaped.
In the end, the first-grade team, led by Ross and Beasley, defeated the second-grade team after 6 years.
Rose scored a first-year team-high 29 points and won the rookie game MVP.
As the Grizzlies traded Zach Randolph away and established the twin star combination of Rose and Gay, Rose’s development began to get better.
The shooting star who started first is very interesting.
After Sun Hao retired, the Magic, led by Arenas, successfully prevented the Lakers from winning four consecutive championships.
So this year, the Magic are also favored by many people.
The final result of the game came out, and they lived up to expectations. Arenas hit a hit from the top of the arc to help the Magic successfully defend their title.
During his acceptance speech, Arenas was also very passionate, saying that he wanted to challenge Sun Hao for three consecutive championships, and hoped that Sun Hao could also represent the Warriors next year.
This directly aroused the emotions of the fans at the scene, and the photogr

By sangna