• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

, Ding Gui, Su Xintong, Wu Anbang, Wang Shiyu, and Chen Sihua are somewhat memorable. Some have seen them, some have heard of them. They are all insignificant little characters.


Mar 22, 2024

, Ding Gui, Su Xintong, Wu Anbang, Wang Shiyu, and Chen Sihua are somewhat memorable. Some have seen them, some have heard of them. They are all insignificant little characters.
They may know something, but others would be worried.
Hao Yingliang was no one else. He didn’t worry about the threat these people could pose to him. He put away the note and said with a smile, “It doesn’t matter whether we are friends or foes. He is trying to get dirty information about me. He is indeed mentally ill.”
“Do you want to remind me that the enemy of my enemy is the enemy?” He is just a friend. He should think about how to deal with the person named Han just like us. If the person named Han does not step down for a day, what if he is reinstated? He is still being suppressed by the person named Han.”
/“The truth is correct. Only those who are critical and reasonable can be reasonable. You have even heard of what kind of person Bao Shuangping is. Now that you think about it, it is a miracle that he can jump to the position of Han. He cannot recognize the situation and cannot understand these truths. We don’t need a teammate with a sick mind like him.”
Hao Yingliang took a sip of water and continued: “Xiaoyong, the police need funds to handle cases, and you can’t do these things without money. I’ll ask Mr. Yu to give him money later. Prepare 100,000 in cash. Spend it when you need to. Don’t be reluctant to spend it. Let me know when you have spent it and I will ask Mr. Yu to prepare it again.” “I just found
an informant. It doesn’t cost much.”
“The informant is You can do things, but you can’t rely entirely on informants, you must rely on friends! You have so many friends in the public security system and the prison system. You may need someone to help you one day, whether you want someone to eat, take a bath, or sing. Who are your relatives and friends? People at work can also help with arrangements. In short, more friends lead to more paths.”
“It doesn’t cost that much to make friends.”
“You are now the general manager of Pingsheng Group. You can no longer entertain guests at the food stalls like before. That’s it.” Hao Yingliang waved his hand and asked, “Do you know what Han Bo is busy with?” ”
On the way back, I met a former colleague and I gave him a lift. He said that a murder occurred in the dormitory area of ??the old agricultural machinery factory. , Han Bo went there in person. He was a criminal police officer, and now his superiors require that the murder case must be solved. I don’t think there is any lie. He should go to the scene.” ”
How many people died, and how did they die?”
“It seems like two, one The old man and the young man should have committed suicide. It is impossible for him to not investigate the murder case of the two dead people, and he is a criminal investigation expert. He understands criminal investigation and can solve cases.” A
murder is not a bad thing, at least he cannot devote all his energy to it like before. Put it on Pingsheng Group.
There is a lot of progress in Yu

By sangna