• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

ck, give him a good education and won’t let him go out until he changes his ways. He has only been in college for more than a year for four years, and he has not been expelled yet. As long as he comes back, as long as he changes his ways, I will go back to school. Go to the school to beg for mercy. Even if you kowtow to the teacher, you must let him finish his studies and get his college diploma.”


Mar 21, 2024

ck, give him a good education and won’t let him go out until he changes his ways. He has only been in college for more than a year for four years, and he has not been expelled yet. As long as he comes back, as long as he changes his ways, I will go back to school. Go to the school to beg for mercy. Even if you kowtow to the teacher, you must let him finish his studies and get his college diploma.”
Lao Gu said with tears streaming down his face.
Li Xiaolei couldn’t bear it, so she thought about it and took out her mobile phone to call Han Bo.
“The phone is turned off. He may be in a meeting,” Li Xiaolei put down the phone and said helplessly, “Uncle Gu, why don’t you wait here. I’ll call back in half an hour and ask Han Bo if he has any good ideas.”
“Thank you, Director Li. I’ll wait here. With Director Han’s help, I’ll definitely be able to get that brat back.”
Han Bo was indeed in a meeting. What he discovered last night was so shocking. The drug dealer was so bold as to cover a large area in a factory in the industrial zone. The cultivation of cannabis may be the first of its kind in Shenzhen, Dongguang and even China.
The captain of the anti-narcotics detachment, the deputy director of criminal investigation of the Anbao branch, and people from the Liaison Affairs Division and Narcotics Investigation Division of the Hong Kong Police Force are here to discuss whether to immediately organize police forces to arrest suspects in Shenzhen and Hong Kong, or to take a long-term approach to catch the big fish. , to figure out where the suspect’s methamphetamine came from.
What he was studying was the case, but Superintendent Huang was thinking about more than just the case.
He hesitated to speak, and the words came to his lips several times without coming out. Han Bo could guess what was going on and said bluntly: “Sir Huang, when it comes to combating drug crimes, our crackdown is undoubtedly stronger than yours. And the cultivation of marijuana The meth dealers have their dens in the Mainland, and the methamphetamine sold by drug dealers in Hong Kong is likely to come from the Mainland, so it is more advantageous for us to conduct arrest operations.”
Hong Kong has abolished the death penalty, and judges can sentence drug dealers to life imprisonment even if the evidence is conclusive.
More importantly, there is so far no conclusive evidence accusing the suspect of drug trafficking in Hong Kong. If the drug traffickers in the mainland take over the matter and hire a few more lawyers, they may even escape the law.
/If no action is taken for the time being and the three principal criminals re-enter the country and are arrested by the mainland police, the death penalty awaits them!
From the perspective of combating drug crimes and eradicating evil, it is indeed more advantageous for the mainland police to take action. But in this way, it is tantamount to handing over Hong Kong citizens suspected of violating laws and disciplines to the public security in disguise. If word spreads, those who make troub

By sangna