• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

t scholars’ to interfere with history and change the past. From a performance perspective, this can be summarized as witnessing destiny and influencing the present. , cannot reverse the past…


Dec 20, 2023

“In addition to transferring diseases, wounds, curses, attacks, prophecies, and gazes, the ‘Paper Man Stand’ also has the ability to transfer a certain part of the paper man to the target. Before he finds out that it is a fake, it will look like the real thing. It works the same, haha, if anyone meets me in the brief moment when his heart is lost and his brain is not dead, I can give him a paper heart, get the power from history to beat and circulate blood…
“The initial control time of the ‘Spirit Thread’ is shortened to two seconds, and it takes ten seconds to completely transform into a puppet. The range to complete the above two operations is five hundred meters… When driving the marionette, the limit of swapping positions is five kilometers… …
“‘Flame Jump’ is also at five kilometers…the air cannon shells can freely control the power, up to the equivalent of coastal defense artillery…
“It can transform into creatures whose size does not exceed a certain limit. Some of the simulated organs can function, while others are just decorations…
“Huh, this is the ‘Ancient Scholar’, the ‘Ancient Scholar’ who has digested most of the potions…” After Klein looked at himself, he slowly stood up.
He was going to enter above the gray fog to check the changes in “Origin Castle”.
Above the boundless gray mist, Klein’s figure appeared in the ancient palace.
/He just looked around briefly and noticed several differences.
Among them, the most obvious point is that the state and layout of this mysterious space are completely projected into his spirit body, allowing him to see the gray clouds condensed in the air and the weird light door even from a long distance away. .
Except for the palace I manifested and the light gate that originally existed, there is nothing here. It is empty, boundless, and full of high-level power… Klein whispered, sat down, raised his right hand, and gently Push it up.
In an instant, the entire gray mist boiled, and the mysterious space it carried also vibrated inexplicably, emitting one after another of slightly dark brilliance.
These brilliance gathered together, and according to Klein’s thoughts, they formed a translucent angel with illusory wings on its back, an angel with corresponding personality and power, a majestic, holy and extremely oppressive angel.
“There is no need to add the ‘Black Emperor’ card, the ‘Tyrant’ card or the ‘Red Priest’ card, and there is no need to use the ‘Poseidon Scepter’. I can maximize the power of this mysterious space by myself. Let the angel of the ‘Fool’ become a real Sequence 2 angel. Of course, this angel cannot answer prayers and cannot last for long. It only exists in ‘Embrace’ and a few attacks, and has some abilities in the ‘Miracle’ field…
“Sure enough, my resurrection is a gift from the ‘Origin Castle’. How many more times can I be resurre

By sangna