• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

nce he returned to the Merlin family. Not only has he failed to contribute to the Merlin family, he has become extremely arrogant. He made a big fuss in the Presbyterian Church a few months ago.


May 16, 2024

nce he returned to the Merlin family. Not only has he failed to contribute to the Merlin family, he has become extremely arrogant. He made a big fuss in the Presbyterian Church a few months ago.
“Yeah, I heard that this young commander is mobilizing troops recently to fight. Ghost Valley’s idea.”
/“He is really interesting. He can even do such ridiculous things. If the people from the ancestral land knew, I don’t know what kind of expressions they would get.”
Several senior officials in the meeting hall suddenly said He showed a look of disdain, obviously disdainful of Lin Yun’s behavior in the past two months.
“Haha, I didn’t expect that he would have the courage to do such a thing.”
After hearing several subordinates’ comments about the young mage, his livid complexion softened slightly and he showed a cold smile: “It is a good thing to have courage, but He also needs to have some self-awareness. With his small force and more than five hundred archmages, it is simply a dream to take over the Ghost Valley. Even if I lend him fifty magicians, the result will be the same.”
He has been looking forward to it in his heart. Now, the young mage leads more than 500 archmages to officially launch an attack on the Melting Fire Tribe. It will definitely be a good show.
However, at this moment, a trivial sound of footsteps came from outside. A middle-aged magician, with a ghostly expression on his face, hurriedly ran into the meeting hall.
Upon hearing the news, Thorne Merlin was completely stunned. He was stunned for more than ten seconds. Those were magicians, not ten or eight, but a full fifty!
How could Mafa Merlin have fifty more magicians out of thin air?
This is unscientific.
You must know that the plane army stationed in the Fire Demon Fortress is firmly in his hands. Although Mafa Merlin is also one of the commanders, he cannot be mobilized at all, but the fifty magicians are how come?
Could it be that magic is not possible?
Thorne Merlin felt for the first time that the situation was gradually getting out of his control. Even if he controlled this plane army, the number of magicians was very rare, only about 200 in total. These The magicians were the backbone of the entire plane army, and there were fifty more magicians on Marfa Merlin’s side, so he had to pay attention to them.
It would be really hard for him to feel at ease if he didn’t understand the origins of those magicians.
Moreover, he thought of something deeper. Two months ago, Mafa Merlin went to the Dark Moon Fortress controlled by the Black Tower and stayed there for a whole morning. After questioning him in every possible way, Mafa Merlin did not tell him to go. The purpose of Darkmoon Fortress. At that time, although he suspected Marfa Merlin of secretly colluding with the Black Tower, he did not have any evidence in his hand. As time passed, two months passed, and nothing went wrong during the period, so that he almost forgot about it. It’s over.
/But now, there were fifty more magicians suddenly on Marfa Merlin’s side, wh

By sangna