• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

were dispatched, traveling through countless time and space, collecting various information in order to come to Tranquility City and find Liu Gan’s whereabouts. These Yinhe replicas can definitely communicate with the Yinhe in some way. Once clues are found, they can be fed back to the Yinhe in time to help Mo Fan search.


May 13, 2024

were dispatched, traveling through countless time and space, collecting various information in order to come to Tranquility City and find Liu Gan’s whereabouts. These Yinhe replicas can definitely communicate with the Yinhe in some way. Once clues are found, they can be fed back to the Yinhe in time to help Mo Fan search.
The position of the Galaxy in time and space was converted into a long key by Mo Fan, which was also hidden in the master brain. After having full authority, Jiang Jinyuan quickly found the key and entered the key into the space-time communication system. , the space-time communication system tried to establish contact with the Galaxy flagship.
Liu Qian was also a little nervous. He didn’t know if he could contact Mo Fan and Bo Bo. He didn’t know how long it had been since they had been there and how it had developed. As long as he contacted them, all these questions would be solved. Can figure it out.
“Brother Liu! Anna! Where are you? You actually found a way to contact us? Is it because of Scientist Jiang?” Mo Fan looked extremely surprised.
“Without the space-time communication technology you left behind, we wouldn’t be able to do all this.” Jiang Jinyuan said a few words of humility to Mo Fan.
“The space-time communication technology we left behind?” Mo Fan seemed a little confused.
“That’s right! I didn’t expect that just a few days after leaving, you have already copied thousands of Galaxy ships, and the technology has also developed so powerfully. Fortunately, the robot army you formed helped us a lot this time, otherwise Tranquility The city is in trouble.” Jiang Jinyuan continued.
Mo Fan stopped Jiang Jinyuan with a confused look on his face: “Copy thousands of Yinhe ships? Robot legion? My robot army hasn’t been established yet! The Yinhe ship hasn’t been completely repaired yet, how can we copy it? Thousands of ships? Although I have had this idea before, but it must have been a long time ago, right?”
“How long has it been since we left Tundra City and contacted you now?” Liu Qian interrupted the conversation between the two. , asked Mo Fan.
“It’s been half a month. The Galaxy is about to be repaired. Mint and I have discussed it. Once repaired, we will find a way to go to Tranquility City to meet you.” Mo Fan answered Liu Qian.
Everyone here was stunned after hearing Mo Fan’s words.
/“It’s messed up! Everything is messed up!” Jiang Jinyuan hugged his head. He couldn’t think about the time and space paradox in detail. Once he thought about it carefully, a scientific and technological worker like him would completely collapse.
“Brother Liu, what happened after you returned to Tranquility City?” Mo Fan asked Liu Qian, and he obviously realized that something was not right.
“After returning to Tranquility City,” Liu Qian told Mo Fan roughly what happened.
/“All this is so unbelievable!” Mo Fan was so surprised that he couldn’t close his mouth after hearing Liu Qian’s words.
“Yes! This is all incredible!” Mint and others in the Galaxy were also extremely s

By sangna