• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

attern on the wall in his memory was that of rat. But this time, in the same direction, the dark pattern on the wall of the same cell was not rat. The pattern is an ancient text!


May 13, 2024

attern on the wall in his memory was that of rat. But this time, in the same direction, the dark pattern on the wall of the same cell was not rat. The pattern is an ancient text!
It looks like the word ‘WE’.
not yet? Not what? What’s the meaning?
/Why isn’t it a mouse pattern? Will these dark patterns change every time I enter a dungeon?
Time was running out. Liu Qian knew that he would not be able to guess anything just by looking at one cell. He quickly went to another cell and looked at the dark patterns on the wall through the restricted light curtain. The dark patterns on the wall of this cell were Another ancient character: ugly.
“I understand!”
Liu Qian shouted, and quickly ran to other cells. Looking at the dark patterns on the walls of those cells, as long as he finds the right order and kills these zombies in order, he should be able to pass the level. .
According to Liu Qian’s estimation, this time the order of the twelve zombies is no longer the twelve zodiac signs, but the twelve hours. So, all he has to do now is find out the order of these cells in the order of the twelve hours.
Zi hour, Chou hour, Yin hour, Mao hour, Chen hour, Si hour, Wu hour, Wei hour, Shen hour, You hour, Xu hour and Hai hour.
Sure enough, on the wall of one of the cells, Liu Qian saw the dark pattern of the ancient character ‘子’. It seemed that this was the first zombie that needed to be hunted.
After Liu Qian and Liu Ruyan worked together to smash the restricted light curtain in this cell, the two of them killed the zombie with ease. Then Chou Shi and Yin Shi
killed the twelve zombies in order, and the system did not appear again. As a reminder that the last mission had failed, a green circle of light flashed in the center of the hall, signaling Liu Qian and Liu Ruyan to enter the circle of light.
When Liu Qian and Liu Ruyan stood within the green aperture, the ground where the green aperture was located made a rumbling sound, and then began to slowly descend. It looked like an elevator, leading to a place below the ground. area.
After the elevating ladder came to a stop, Liu Gan and the two came to a cabin underground. Following the prompts, they opened the cabin door in front and reached the final level, where they could communicate face-to-face with the level 9 BOSS.
Fortunately, the chip in his brain has a replay function. Otherwise, Liu Qian didn’t think he would be able to notice the dark patterns the second or third time. What’s more, these dark patterns will change every time. Twelve zombies attack the light curtain together. They will all appear within a quarter of an hour, forcing the player to focus on how to eliminate these zombies, and it will not be easy to observe the dark patterns on the wall behind them.
/After opening the hatch in front of them, there was a hall larger than the hall on the first floor, with a length and width of more than 20 meters. After the two entered the hall, a zombie fell from the sky and appeared more than ten meters away from the two of them. somewhere outsi

By sangna