• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

panies will send out their design materials, and many BayWan IC design companies will purchase those materials from the market. Even if the materials are not available on the market, they can get countless original chips from the mainland e-waste market and return them to the company. In many cases, Bayji Electric will also provide assistance when doing reverse research and development. “


May 11, 2024

panies will send out their design materials, and many BayWan IC design companies will purchase those materials from the market. Even if the materials are not available on the market, they can get countless original chips from the mainland e-waste market and return them to the company. In many cases, Bayji Electric will also provide assistance when doing reverse research and development. ”
The reason why Bayji Electric’s 4- and 6-inch production lines can operate at full capacity is because of the orders from many downstream IC design companies surrounding it!
/” The chips in the order have reduced the gross profit margin to less than 40%, which has caused European and American IC factories to abandon this field and allowed Wanwan IC Factory to achieve long-term development.”
Lin Benjian nodded thoughtfully, he understood the chairman’s intention. Meaning, before Tesla and Shenzhou entered the field of board production, Wanwan produced 90% of the world’s board products, and the lower cost of chips fed back to many foundries, thus allowing China Stone, AUO, and Guangda OEMs such as board cards and complete machines have gained more cost advantages.
Previously, the reason why PC manufacturers in mainland China were increasingly willing to let BayWan OEM, rather than produce their own products, was because they found that after working hard to establish a supply chain, they were not as cheap as purchasing BayWan manufacturers!
/Take the power management chip on the motherboard as an example. In Wanwan, there are at least a dozen large-scale manufacturers:
Liqi, Fuding Advanced, Maoda, Anmao Microelectronics, Zhixin, Peiheng and Chongmao are all well-known names.
They surround Bayji Electric, and their products pass through Bayji Electric’s production lines and are embedded on many boards and terminal products such as Acer, Huashi, Gigabyte, MSI, Fantasy, Tongfang, etc., forming a perfect, worth 2000 A billion-dollar ecological closed loop!
Thinking of this, Lin Benjian couldn’t help but admire the old man in front of him. This ecological chain was created by this old man!
“Zhao Song…”
Zhang Jianmou turned a blind eye to Lin Benjian’s eyes and continued to explain, “He is the one who loves to spend money the most and is most willing to spend money in the semiconductor industry. And it doesn’t all rely on financing, a lot of it is his own money. !”
Lin Benjian was speechless when he recalled what Zhao Song had said when he poached him.
“Xiao Lin, the information in your hand is the counter-cyclical expansion plan of many Bayan manufacturers. In the past three months, the implementation rate of this plan
has been 0!”
Lin Benjian raised his head after hearing this. He said firmly: “Guancheng!?”
Zhang Jianmou nodded:
“That’s right! The Guancheng investment group formed by Zhao Song has a larger scale, better conditions, and lower policy concessions, so the local government and banks in Guancheng The quota was given to them.
Not only that, investment by Bayan manufacturers in various

By sangna