• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

nce of witchcraft and power, the young man felt that his body and soul were extremely relaxed, and he flew into the air as if he was no longer bound by anything.


May 10, 2024

nce of witchcraft and power, the young man felt that his body and soul were extremely relaxed, and he flew into the air as if he was no longer bound by anything.
Flying higher and higher, flying higher and higher, and before he knew it, the endless stars were surrounding him. Looking down at this moment, the earth, ocean and countless creatures were all in front of him, as if he could reach them with just a touch of his finger. Crush everything.
An unprecedented omnipotence and power to control everything slowly emerged from Zhang Lisheng’s heart, causing him to gradually lose his mind in joy. At the same time, the young man’s body slowly cracked and shattered into a pile of half-dry bones. , half made of broken bones and flesh moistened with blood. After a few minutes, a monster with a human head and a snake body emerged from the pile of broken bones and flesh bit by bit.
When the monster first appeared, its bald head and thin and plain facial features were exactly the same as Zhang Lisheng’s. But as time went by, it became more and more beautiful. Long hair grew on the top of its head and its eyes turned black. A white color.
“I’ve waited, I’ve finally waited, I’ve finally waited…” Relying on instinct, he began to roar unconsciously in a low voice, with a ferocious smile appearing on the corner of his mouth, so eager that Zhang Lisheng’s will was completely lost.
/At this moment, Zhang Lisheng, who was about to fall asleep in bliss, suddenly discovered that the countless creatures living on land and sea in his mind had undergone strange changes.
The beast that originally looked like a black bear grew wings, flew into the sky, and used its powerful palms to knock down the strange bird with the head of a griffon. When the raptor with its head smashed into pieces was about to fall into the sea, waves suddenly surged. , a giant whale-like fish jumped out of the water and swallowed it head-on. Then, a row of centipede-like limbs grew out of its abdomen and climbed onto the shore.
The strange and chaotic creatures changed by the billions, which naturally aroused the idea of ????Zhang Lisheng, a biologist. He couldn’t help but focus on observation, and he became much more awake. It also made the human-headed snake born from the young man’s flesh and bones The face of the monster began to return to its original appearance.
“No, no, who, who, who…” This change was obviously unacceptable to the monster with a human head and a snake body, and he roared violently: “Death, die…”
In the roar of the monster, Zhang Lisheng constructed in his mind The world suddenly became dark.
When a bolt of thunder pierced the sky and illuminated the heaven and earth again, everything had become completely different from before.
Floods overflowed on the ground, and everything withered. Hundreds of strange creatures with bodies larger than mountains fought in the mud and devoured each other. The winners quickly mutated into even larger and more terrifying creatures.
In the sky, billions of meteors and meteorites burni

By sangna