• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

en Xiaohan, the department flower Gong Jing, and the college beauty who is three years older than him, and a rare one in several years, they are like goddesses in his heart Zheng Yan, Senior Sister Zheng, were all collected one by one by her and placed in the harem.


Mar 27, 2024

en Xiaohan, the department flower Gong Jing, and the college beauty who is three years older than him, and a rare one in several years, they are like goddesses in his heart Zheng Yan, Senior Sister Zheng, were all collected one by one by her and placed in the harem.
As for Zhang Li, the one who “hurt him the most” in his previous life, Wang Bo would occasionally think of such a person. However, during the three years outside C, he had never encountered him on campus, in the cafeteria, or in the aisles. Gradually, he This person was also forgotten. Of course, if he wanted to find her, with his current status, it would only take a phone call to find Zhang Li and find out which department, grade and class the other party was from. However, he just didn’t think it was necessary. In this life, he has received too much. He has received both what he deserves and what he should not have. There are countless regrets in this life, but he can’t make up for all the regrets, right?
“So, in this life, do you want to meet the other person again? If so, in what manner?” In the past few days, Wang Bo has been thinking about these two questions. He once thought that his college career after his rebirth was already wonderful. He opened a company and bought stocks. All he had to do was wait patiently. Billions and tens of billions of wealth would be at his fingertips. He also chased a lot of beauties. His college life There would be no regrets if I didn’t meet Zhang Li.
/Yes, if you don’t meet Zhang Li.
/“In the last life, was Zhang Li’s rejection really because she had a boyfriend? Or did she really conclude from the love letter I wrote to him that our personalities were incompatible and we were not suitable to be together, and then I even wanted to be just friends with her? Not even close pen pals are willing?” After meeting Zhang Li by chance, Wang Bo somewhat regretted that he was now too famous. Otherwise, he could have pretended to be poor and poor, reenacted the drama of his previous life in front of Zhang Li, and then waited. The other party once again refused to be slapped in the face, and then he put on his famous watch and brand, drove his more than one million BMW, appeared in front of the other party gorgeously, slapped the face back hard, and took away the lost money. Earn face
“Damn it, this is too damn childish and too damn vulgar, isn’t it?” Wang Bo flattened his lips and mentally rehearsed the scene of pretending to be a slap in the face. Although it was just an imagination, in reality, even if he was not that famous, Zhang Li did not know him, and he would not really pretend to take revenge on Zhang Li, but this imaginary revenge still made him feel so happy that he had the guts to speak out. Stifling comfort. Zhang Li’s continuous rejection in the previous life really hit him hard, especially the man’s self-esteem and self-confidence, which made him languid for several years. Even if the other party sees him working tirelessly and writing hundreds of thousands of words of love letters for her, then give him a c

By sangna