• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

wear navy blue uniforms. From a distance, except for the epaulettes and other parts, they look like our 99 style The police uniforms are slightly different, and the style and color are almost the same. Last year, the command center received several police calls. People called the police saying that police officers were drinking and fighting. Director Kang asked the inspector detachment to go there. It turned out that they were not police officers, but from a company. The security guards had a dispute with the urban management over a billboard. Both groups were wearing imitation 99-style uniforms, and the public could not understand them at all, and the seriousness of the police


Mar 24, 2024

wear navy blue uniforms. From a distance, except for the epaulettes and other parts, they look like our 99 style The police uniforms are slightly different, and the style and color are almost the same. Last year, the command center received several police calls. People called the police saying that police officers were drinking and fighting. Director Kang asked the inspector detachment to go there. It turned out that they were not police officers, but from a company. The security guards had a dispute with the urban management over a billboard. Both groups were wearing imitation 99-style uniforms, and the public could not understand them at all, and the seriousness of the police
uniforms was lost.” Some departments followed the example of the police before changing their uniforms, and then followed suit after changing their uniforms. Public Security Studies.
Just learn, their team management is not strict, some administrative law enforcement officers are disheveled, some have their arms open, some have cigarettes in their mouths, especially the urban management officers, who often have disputes with street vendors, and sometimes even get physical, and many people can’t tell them apart. “Which part” is it? It has seriously damaged the image and reputation of the people’s police.
Director Chen knew about this situation. Even if he didn’t know it before, he saw it at noon yesterday. A policeman was actually chased and beaten by a group of anxious migrant workers as a security guard. If the security guard didn’t wear a police uniform, who would dare to attack the public security policeman!
The problem is that if the security guards don’t let them wear it, how will other government departments take care of it? Director Chen frowned slightly.
Master Guo didn’t know why, so he said vividly: “There are several small restaurants next to our community. Once when I went home in the summer, several people wearing white shirt police uniforms and holding the title of police inspector were drinking. Only police supervisors can wear white shirts. I felt something was wrong, so I walked over and took a look, and it turned out that it was not a police officer, but the badge said ‘Agricultural Machinery Supervisor’!”
This was too much, and we could no longer turn a blind eye to this matter.
/Director Chen weighed it up, raised his head and said: “Xiao Zhang, go back and tell the research office, let them find out the details, and submit a complete set of materials on the misuse of the People’s Police’s police logo and uniforms to the Municipal Party Committee and the Provincial Political and Legal Committee. The municipal bureau must also do a thorough investigation and compile the materials and submit them to the provincial department.”
The government department can only hire “Shang Fang Bao Jian” to “copy police uniforms”. The problem of security guards wearing police uniforms indiscriminately must be solved as soon as possible. Bureau Chen continued: ” Xiao Han, you are a master of law. Are there any provisi

By sangna