• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

ha River. . This river originates from the Luoyun Mountains and flows northward directly through the sea. According to local legends, the ancient river god was in awe of the sea, so he named himself the river god. The river often floated with light black sand, so it was also called the Liusha River.


May 25, 2024

ha River. . This river originates from the Luoyun Mountains and flows northward directly through the sea. According to local legends, the ancient river god was in awe of the sea, so he named himself the river god. The river often floated with light black sand, so it was also called the Liusha River.
/Two days later, the three people came to the bank of the Liusha River.
The original horse could no longer bear the sparring between the three of them, and died of exhaustion after a long time. After burying the horse, the three of them used their body skills to chase each other on the huge Liuxi grassland. Zhou Jijun was practicing “Xuanwu Shen” and “Jixu Tianshu” while running around day and night, sometimes performing martial arts with Bukongtang, or competing with Bukongtang. Discuss the mysterious way with Cang Nuzi. Martial arts and Xuan Dao have advanced by leaps and bounds in the past two days. Zhou Jijun has even learned a few powerful martial arts skills in “Xuanwu Nerve” for the first time. He can hardly fail to face Bukongtang who suppresses his skills at the master level.
“Have you been attacking the earth’s treasures these past two days?”
Bukongtang, standing with his hands behind his hands by the Liusha River, asked Zhou Jijun, washing his face with water by the river.
Bukongtang clapped his hands, turned to Cang Nuzi, who was meditating alone, and said with a smile, “Our little Mr. Zhou has just broken through to the Taoist level, and now he wants to break through to the earth level. Tsk tsk.”
“So what? ?” Cang Nuzi said calmly without raising his head.
“I think back then, it took me more than half a year to break through from a martial artist to an earthly one. At that time, I was the fastest in the army.”
“Little Master Zhou is so talented that you can’t compare.”
Cang Cang Nu Zi looked sideways at Zhou Jijun and sighed inwardly.
In the past two days, I had been studying Taoism with him. I was a little bit dismissive of him at first, but I didn’t expect that this boy was making rapid progress. Although the Taoism he displayed was immature, I could vaguely feel the profoundness of its Taoism, and even he was confused. Benefited a lot.
“Are you talented?” Zhou Jijun raised his eyebrows slightly and stood up.
He was a useless person who could not cultivate at all back then, but he managed to climb to Luoyun Mountain at the age of ten, which brought him a great opportunity. Along the way, he suffered countless sins and sufferings that ordinary people would never encounter in their lifetime. Even now, he is definitely not a genius. The Taoist heart implanted in him by his masters is the most ordinary kind. However, he has innate hidden phenomena that cannot be guessed.
A light flashed in his eyes, and Zhou Jijun suddenly had a realization.
/Man can definitely defeat God, but how many people can do it? However, once you really take this step and spend your life hunting for the destiny that does not belong to you, no matter what the final result is, by then, it will be A man who is far

By sangna