• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

was destroyed. At that time, because of the continuous launch of satellites, they always failed. In order to study the reason, the military even sacrificed a young female scientist…”


May 11, 2024

was destroyed. At that time, because of the continuous launch of satellites, they always failed. In order to study the reason, the military even sacrificed a young female scientist…”
/” Really?” Zhang Lisheng was silent for a long time and murmured,
“That’s the fact.” Cora opened the desk drawer with an expressionless face, took out a 4K gospel with a high-precision satellite map, and flicked it in front of Zhang Lisheng, “This It is the only photo sent back by the only successfully launched military survey satellite. This is not a high-level confidential information. If you want to get it, it should not be difficult. I will give you this piece of paper. “Mr.”
The map Cora gave to Zhang Lisheng was a 120-degree, colorful fan satellite image. The only black dot the size of a sesame with a name on it was ‘Sea Shrimp B1 Island’, but with this label it was It is enough to complete the positioning of this picture. It is indeed not too confidential information, but the American general who looked like a hawkish soldier when he first met suddenly made such an overly good move, which still made the young man’s eyes widen in surprise, ” General, this satellite map is indeed very important to me, but you, you…”
“Don’t misunderstand Mr. Zhang, I just want to make this map more meaningful,” Cora said in a hoarse voice: “You Don’t you understand? Tens of thousands of people have died, and now a new ‘different world’ has appeared. ‘Ocean Shrimp B1 Island’ is destined not to return to its past. This island’s ‘human gathering place’ will be the most popular in the future. The possible fate is to become an observation post of the military. The troops stationed there are at most a mixed brigade, and the remaining residents are you scientists with different brains. Freedom will retreat most of the troops to the New York military base to guard it. The gateway to the ‘Ocean Island No. 2 World’, so that the mobility of the army can be greatly increased…
You will not understand these military considerations. In short, the American Freedom Association will completely abandon the ‘Ocean Island B1’. I give it to you That map will soon be turned into waste paper, sealed in a file bag, and will be disclosed as an ordinary secret twenty years later. This kind of secret will not arouse anyone’s interest at all after it is disclosed. I give it to you, At least its existence will become somewhat meaningful.”
“For this reason?
“Isn’t this enough? ” ”
Zhang Lisheng shrugged. Although he was still very suspicious, he didn’t say anything more. He carefully folded the 4K paper on the desk and put it into his pocket. He looked up at Cora. ??Suddenly a light flashed in his heart and he blurted out: : “Your Excellency General, the scientist who sacrificed his life to launch the satellite has nothing to do with you, right?
” Her name is Laura. ” “Corian”
“Oh, I’m sorry, General…”
/“It’s okay, Mr. Zhang, my sister sacrificed for the country, which makes me feel very honored. By the way, regarding how the garrison troops of ‘Sea Sh

By sangna