• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

o could train in the system.


Apr 10, 2024

o could train in the system.
“You are a genius, just like me.”
In the end, Jordan couldn’t help but say.
Learning ability is also a very important type of basketball talent, although Jordan still did not forget to show off.
“Of course, I’m going to beat you up.”
Sun Hao said with a smile.
Jordan was stunned for a moment, then couldn’t help laughing.
Although he can’t say it on the surface, his expectations for basketball are increasing little by little.
Sun Hao really awakened all the enthusiasm he still had.
While Sun Hao and Yao Ming were busy, the NBA Finals was also going on simultaneously.
Iverson led the 76ers to another stunning loss with the Bucks in the Eastern Conference Finals.
However, unlike the tiebreaker in the Eastern Conference semifinals, this time Iverson took action himself, playing through injuries and scoring 44 points, defeating the Bucks!
Missing the playoffs due to injury? This does not exist with Iverson!
Then, with a series of playoff data and various honors in the regular season, Iverson led the 76ers, who had already experienced two bloody rounds of tiebreakers, to stand in front of the invincible Lakers.
After sweeping the Kings in the Western Conference semifinals, the Lakers met Duncan and the Spurs in the Western Conference finals.
It looked like it would be a fierce battle, but as a result, the Lakers swept the Spurs 4-0.
Popovich and the Spurs were helpless.
/At this time, looking at what Porter said, “They want to hack us because we are the only team that can compete with Los Angeles” seems slightly funny.
Because for the league, that’s really not necessary.
After the Western Conference Finals, Nelson called Popovich.
“You can’t win the championship with your method now.”
Nelson’s words almost made Popovich so angry that he hit someone along the phone line.
“No one can beat them.”
Popovich said to Nelson before hanging up the phone.
Yes, no one can beat this Lakers team.
Whether it’s Popovich’s feelings after playing with them, or the feelings of the fans.
Question: What is the winning percentage from the 76ers against the Lakers?
Answer: 0.
This is a simple question that couldn’t be simpler.
Because the current Lakers team is too strong, strong enough to be considered among the strongest teams in the NBA.
In fact, if he hadn’t traveled through time, Sun Hao would have felt that this 76ers team had no chance of winning against the Lakers.
The 76ers had a thrilling battle all the way. The consecutive tiebreakers consumed a lot of physical energy, and Iverson was also injured. The defense they relied on for survival basically couldn’t stop the internal and external firepower of the OK combination.
No one thought they could win, no one even thought they would win a game.
Sun Hao and Yao Ming took time to watch the live broadcast of G1 of the finals together.
Sun Hao had seen this game in his previous life.
However, there are two types of games, those who have not seen it but want to see it, and those who have seen it

By sangna